Healy's No More Bull-S
As the Internet now can expose the TRUTH instantly,no more 'cover-ups,Lies and deceit.
The Globe is now a more transparent place,Truely a Global Villiage,a digital democracy.
The 'power is being given back to the people' by default, the 'collective consciousness' Lives.
No longer can the Governments,Big business and others 'brainwash' the public into blind submission.
However, there are 3 Personality types 'out there' Collectively, Sheep,Shephards and Shearers,
Which one are You ? Who is really controlling YOU? Who is really calling the shots ? Have YOU a Choice ?

David Icke
does a great OVERVIEW of the Global "DEBT SLAVERY"
System unfolding in 2016
which is part of the
unfolding .
Graham Healy
ps I don't agree 100% with everything David says in all his works but this presentation IS 100% SPOT ON! Gh
Published on Aug 4, 2015
In this summer solutions episode of the
Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined by
Professor Steve Keen,
author of Debunking Economics,
to discuss the problem of household debt and an overly large finance sector. They discuss possible solutions, such as perhaps ending the practice of subsidizing too-big-to-fail banks.
Professor Steve Keen is an Australian Economist that actually "knows what he is talking about"
He should be in my opinion Australia's treasurer and have the political power to impliment the Change required to save the Australian Economy
Graham Healy
11 March 2015 Professor Stev Keen speaks to George Galloway
regarding three main things :
Debt Jubilee
Reduce Global Banks to small Personal banks that actually
lend to creative Small Business like they originally did
as they are now Corrupt , financiancing Governments , and holding countries to ransome
Steve also discusses 'what is a Ponzi Scheme' and explains how the Global Banking sector are not only participating in Global ponzi schemes , they actually create them , and how all money is being funneled into ASSET BUBBLES primarely the
I believe the MELTDOWN will be in 2015
Graham Healy